Crazyrunnerchick's Blog


Hi! My name’s Tricia, and i’m currently a junior in high school, who’s in love with running and experimenting with vegan cooking. I first became a vegetarian when I was freshman and after struggling with what was or wasn’t healthy, I became a vegan.
About a year and a half ago, I got into running, and this year I joined the cross country team at my school :). Although I get super nervous before races, I just keep telling myself to relax and have fun. After all, it’s not the end of the world, right? 😉
Finally, i’m in love with my Savior, Jesus Christ, and throughout all of my struggles, He has been there, giving me strength :). I believe it’s through Him that i’m able to run such long distances without dying 🙂 lol because if you knew me before, I hated running and I thought I was terrible at it, but as it turns out, it became a great passion of mine :D. Lastly, I think that God loves animals and wants us to treat them with compassion, and I feel that the best way to do this is through a vegan diet, but that’s just for me. Some people prefer meat and that’s totally cool. Just be sure you know where it comes from 🙂


  1. Hi! Thanks for commenting on my blog! Your site’s really beautiful! I see that we have some things in common haha. Can’t wait to see more of your stuff! 😀

    Comment by qiting93 — April 10, 2011 @ 3:44 am

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